Package Details
- Unlimited Disk space
- Unlimited Bandwidth
- 2 Domain addon
- 10 Sub domain
- 10 MySQL
- 10 Email
Free Live Support
Please share your Teamviewer IP and password if you are facing any issue to use our hosting. Sometimes it can be by misunderstanding also. So we can see everything live from your pc and solve in front of you. This live support also free for our seoclerk clients.
PS: Please contact us for any query and wait 24 hour minimum for get reply.
Top reasons to hire me :
✓ 1 Month free support
✓ Experienced of 12 years
✓ First Delivery
✓ Revisions till you’re happy
✓ 100% Satisfaction
✓ 100% refund ( if not satisfied )
Question: Can I host WordPress?
Answer: Yes, You can hosting wordpress website.
Question: Can I Continue at same price when renew?
Answer: Yes , You can renew at same price.
Question: Do you provide online support by tiket system?
Answer: Yes, We have support by company.
Question: What kind of control panel you will provide.
Answer: We will provide you cPanel
Question: Can I host news website or eCommerce website?
Answer: Yes, You can do.
Extra offer
Logo design - we will create 15 logo for your website. Demo -
web development - we can build statice or dynamic wwbsite for you.
seo - we can do seo for you. And many more
Feel free to shoot me a message.
Thank you